The aging of the male face is typically associated with loss of volume in the mid-face due to a loss of fat and some loss of facial skeleton bone. This along with the aging process causes the remaining tissues in the face to sag and this is seen as a heaviness in the jowl, and neck.
Let’s face it, men do not want anyone to know that they have had a facelift. Yet, what they require is a vertically lifted repositioning of the neck and facial tissues that has to create a natural, unoperated upon appearance.
As such, men need to have inconspicuous, unnoticeable scars as many men wear their hair short, cropped or shaved. No man wants to change his hair style to accommodate facial rejuvenation surgery like a Joe Biden or Kenny Rodgers.
Dr. Schneider uses a technique he developed called the M.A.R.C. lift to create a very natural, restorative, natural, and un-pulled result. The incisions are hidden, shortened, and sutured in such a way that they are unnoticeable.
In fact, Dr. Schneider had one man return after visiting his Plastic Surgeon at home who was shocked that he could not find the scars.
The facelift is designed to decrease the parenthesis lines (naso-labial folds), marionette lines, jowl and sagging in the neck. A pulled look at the side of the eyes like some Hollywood action actors have, must be avoided.
A deep twilight anesthesia is used similar to what is used during a colonoscopy. It is very comfortable, no pain is felt, and it is very comfortable to awaken from. A long acting anesthetic is injected into the facial tissues and this minimizes post-operative discomfort, decreases swelling, and helps minimize bruising.
Incisions in front of, inside, and behind the ear are created and sometimes one under the chin. Through these, the tissues are lifted, repositioned and anchored with sutures. “The key to a great facelift besides producing a natural lift, is that no one should be able to identify the facelift scars” said Dr. Schneider.
The M.A.R.C. facelift takes about 2.5 – 3 hours to perform and patients return to the office the next day for dressings to be removed. Most patients require no narcotic pain medication and facial surgery usually hurts significantly less than procedures performed elsewhere on the body.
Stitches are removed on the 6th day following the procedure. Most men have a social recovery (return to work or be seen by friends without noticeable signs) of about 7 days. The results in men usually last well over 10 years.