Butt Implants (augmentation) can produce a significant, defined increase in the size of the buttocks, even in patients who do not have enough body fat to perform a Brazilian Butt Enhancement.

Butt implants before and after

Buttocks implants vary in volume, shape, projection and diameter. With this procedure, the implants produce an immediate and dramatic improvement in size and shape.

We have seen an enormous change in the desired look to buttocks over the almost 30 years Dr. Schneider has been in practice. Not everyone desires the same look. Some are looking for a more muscular look, others desire a rounder appearance with a filling of the lateral gluteal hollow that was popularized in Hollywood.

Butt implants before and after

The key to success is our understanding your desires so that we can meet your goals.

Our Approach

Dr. Schneider’s technique utilizes 2 small hidden parallel incisions hidden between the butt cheeks. This hides the incision and keeps the pocket on the right and left completely separate without communicating. This is very important.

Butt implant incisions

He then injects a large volume of tumescent solution into the tissues that he is going to lift. Tumescent solution is the same fluid we use in liposuction that allows us to do the procedure with minimal bleeding and discomfort. It contains two medicines: one shrinks the blood vessels and the other provides anesthesia for many hours.

The original Butt Implants procedure is known to be very painful. With this technique, Dr. Schneider has pioneered a method that allows for a much faster and less painful recovery.

Once this is accomplished, the tissues are lifted to create a pocket for the implant on each side. There are clearly defined different regions to cheeks of the buttocks that must be lifted to produce an increase in fullness and in some cases, lift the bottom of the buttocks.

The incisions are then closed with internal sutures so no stitches need to be removed, and patients can shower the day after surgery.

The procedure is performed in our AAAHC Certified Surgery Center with the patient asleep, and takes about the same amount of time as a breast augmentation… approximately one hour.  Patients are able to go home within a few hours after surgery.

Patients are asked not to lay or sit directly on the implant for several weeks so that they are able to stay in the proper position.

The Butt Implants

The implants themselves are made from a soft, pliable, but solid silicone block. Their shape can vary from oval to round and their volume, diameter and projection vary as well.

Buttocks implants are permanently shaped so that they provide the shape of firm muscular buttocks. This is different than a breast implant which has a separate shell and filling and changes shape depending upon the patient’s position.

Before & After Gallery

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Before & After Photos

  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
  • Buttocks Implants
    Buttocks Implants
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