The main muscle of the buttocks, the gluteus maximus, is the largest muscle of the body. It, along with seven other muscles are responsible for every position and rotation your leg can produce, as well as enabling you to stand, walk and run.

Though it is the largest, it is often very difficult to add volume to it and produce projection to the butt. For this, a great alternative is the buttocks implant.

Butt implants for men produce a significant, defined increase in the size and projection of the buttocks. The implants vary in volume, shape, projection, and diameter. With this, the buttocks implant produces an immediate and dramatic improvement in the look to buttocks.

The technique uses 2 small hidden parallel incisions that are placed and concealed between the two cheeks of the butt. Next, a large quantity of solution is injected into each side. This contains 2 medicines that provide both long-lasting anesthesia and shrink the blood vessels to minimize bleeding,

The tissues of the buttocks are then elevated to create pockets for the implants. The pockets and implant sizes vary based on the look the patient is trying to achieve. The implants and pockets are then washed with an antibiotic solution and then inserted.

 The incisions are closed with all internal sutures so no stitches need to be removed and small tapes are applied. Patients are then transferred to our recovery room once they are awake. The butt implant (augmentation) procedure takes about 1 hour to perform.

The procedure is performed in our AAAHC Certified Surgery Center with the patient asleep using a deep twilight anesthesia. Patients are able to go home within a few hours after surgery. Patients can shower the day after surgery.

The implants are made from a pliable but solid silicone block and are permanently shaped so that they provide the shape of firmer muscular buttocks. The projection and reshaping that patients get are immediate and rewarding.